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Photo of Luis Pablo Jimenez caballero Cuba

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Luis Pablo Jiménez Caballero

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Luis Pablo Jiménez Caballero

Cuban painter and designer (Matanzas, Cuba, 1942). Graduated in 1978 in e-publishing in Russia in 1982, specializing in painting at the Academia de San Alejandro and the Instituto Superior de Arte (ISA) in 1988. In 1988, the International Jury of the Book Arts in Moscow.

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Is an independent operator since 1983 and belongs to the National Register Maker Works Fine and Applied Arts.

His works are in private collections in France, Italy, Puerto Rico, Iraq, United States, Mexico, Santo Domingo, Portugal, Brazil. Spain, Chile and the Netherlands. One of his works from the series "Tierra Adentro" is at the Museum NAIF Art in Figueras, Spain

The Hotel Bella Costa in Varadero are forty-seven of his paintings, which are part of the setting and allegorical paintings about sixteen Aboriginal pictographs Afro Cuban and mythology have been reproduced for sale in tourist shops in Cuba and Italy.

His work made with a waste of technical resources, easily making the brush, spatula or airbrush and moves in a trend within the new Expressionist figuration. The poematic of this work is essentially Cuban, diverse, recreated in the theme of our Afro-Cuban and Indian mythology, among other issues that identify with our Cuban and Caribbean environment.

Has had numerous solo and group exhibitions in Cuba and abroad.

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